Experience instant relief from muscle knots and pain with our trigger point dry needling.
Physiotherapists who provide dry needling have taken advanced post-graduate courses. They are trained to expertly insert thin acupuncture needles into the muscles at the trigger points which are causing the referral of pain in the body. Once the needle taps the appropriate trigger point, the muscle will quickly contract and release (twitch), thereby improving muscular tension and decreasing symptoms. This twitch response reduces the pain signals and chemicals in the area and opens the muscle up for increased blood flow. This change in the muscle can decrease overall pain, restore muscle function and range of motion. It is called “dry” because nothing is injected through the needle.
Trigger points are tight bands within the muscle. They can decrease the muscle’s range of motion and its ability to generate strength and to relax. Trigger points can be caused by muscular overloads, such as a traumatic injury, heavy lifting, repetitive movements, holding positions for long periods or from periods of muscle disuse or immobility.
Trigger point related pain is often described as deep, aching, burning and spreading. Trigger points within any muscle generally have specific referral patterns, meaning if you have a trigger point in the neck muscles, the pain will be in specific and predictable locations of the head and neck or down the arm.
Trigger point dry needling can effectively reduce the restrictions in a muscle resulting in an increased range of motion, relief in pain and muscle tension and can act quickly, reducing recovery time. For example, dry needling of the trigger points in the rotator cuff can have a positive effect on how the arm and shoulder are able to move in sport or simply reaching.
Usually, there will be tenderness lasting from between an hour to two days post treatment. Your therapist may advise either heat or ice to alleviate any discomfort.
Within 24-48 hours, you will often notice that your symptoms improve.
Depending on your specific condition, a temporary modification in activity and exercise for a day or two may be recommended.
Your therapist may recommend Trigger Point Dry Needling as an additional modality to support the treatment of your specific injury. If you choose to go ahead, it will be done as part of your regular treatment session and there will be no extra cost. If Physiotherapy treatments are covered by your insurance plan, then by extension, so is Dry Needling.
To book your treatment, call us at 613-672-2200 or book online.