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How Long Does It Take For Physio To Work?

Physiotherapy can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months to see significant improvements, depending on the individual's condition, severity, and adherence to the treatment plan.

When people are dealing with pain, they want a quick fix. They want to be better now! The reality is that when recovering from injuries, there is a wide range of results and different rates of healing.

There are many factors in the healing process, but the one we cannot do much to control is the physiological healing time of body tissue. It will depend greatly what type of tissue is injured and what the extent of the damage is. Typical soft tissue healing tends to start at 4-6 weeks but can be many more weeks if the damage is great and as few as a few days or a week if the damage is minimal. Bone healing tends to me uniform at 6 weeks, but smaller bones in children can heal quicker closer to 4 weeks and large bones or those that undergo surgical repair can take up to 8 weeks to heal.

Physiotherapy can be an important part of the healthcare process to allow healing in the quickest possible time. Every year, hundreds of thousands of Canadians rely on Physiotherapy and other forms of physical therapy to alleviate pain and overcome injuries to improve their quality of life.

Often, people find themselves asking their Physiotherapists how quickly progress will occur and when will they reach full recovery. While there isn't always a clear answer to this question, Physiotherapists with or without a team of other types of physical therapists, can often recommend a week-by-week treatment plan that includes home exercises to help maximize your recovery in the quickest possible time and help predict how many weeks it may take to full recovery and function for your body.

First Steps - Physical Therapy

The first step you should take when you are suffering from an injury and want to feel better, is to seek Physiotherapy services and find a Physiotherapist who will spend dedicated time one on one with you focusing on the parts of Physiotherapy that are proven to work - manual therapy and exercise therapy. You will then need to book an appointment to attend Physiotherapy sessions, beginning with an assessment.

At Inertia Physio+, we have a wonderful Physiotherapy team that provide great service and we can also compliment your Physio with services from a Massage Therapist, Athletic Therapist, Kinesiologist and in some cases, Psychologist.


Your very first appointment with your Physiotherapist at Inertia Physio+ will be a thorough assessment to determine the nature of the problem and any underlying causes. When we go after the causes, we make the fastest progress.

Your Physiotherapist will assess your symptoms, mobility, range of motion, strength in your muscles, function, body movement and form. Once your Physiotherapist understands your problem, they will be able to provide education to you as the patient and explain their diagnosis, so that you can be an active part of your own healing. Client engagement in their own recovery is another key to fast healing.

Your Physiotherapist will then prescribe a home exercise program and get you started with some hands-on therapy aimed at the body tissue in the affected area to help get you some pain relief.

Your Physiotherapist will make recommendations for how long they might expect your injury to take and how many more Physio sessions you should book. Our reception staff can follow up with you after your appointment to possibly get you set up with direct billing to your insurance company if desired. They can also help you set up with more Physiotherapy appointments to help you reach your full potential.


Your follow up Physio appointments will focus on pain relief and treating the cause. These Physio sessions will be a great opportunity to ask questions and review exercises.

At Inertia Physio+, you will receive dedicated time spent with you one on one in private treatment rooms. We provide manual therapy to help speed up recovery and education on lifestyle and movement changes that may help.

Factors that influence the length of Physiotherapy Treatment

Extent of Injury

The type of tissue, amount of damage that occurs and how long ago the injury happened are all big factors in the time to full recovery after an injury. Underlying diseases that may delay healing can also be a factor.

Commitment to Treatment

To get the most out of your treatment and recover as quickly as your joints or soft tissues will allow, you must be an active part of the treatment process. Those that commit to showing up for treatment and following all recommendations and exercises at home, will have a much faster response time than those that do not follow recommendations and exercises.

Type and Experience of Physiotherapy Clinic

Clinics that book many people at the same time and utilize assistants to carry out much of your treatment or have you spend more time on machines than with hands on work will likely have slower response times that clinics that prioritize patient care, booking fewer patients in a day, so that dedicated time can be spent with each patient.

At Inertia Physio+, you will receive this great service. We spend dedicated one on one time with you, educating you about your injuries, providing recommendations for exercises and spending time doing manual therapy. We book a maximum of 1-2 patients per hour to provide the treatment you need.

We are confident that our team of experienced Physiotherapists along with our strong clinical philosophy and approach will help you reach your goals and function as quickly as possible.

Common Treatment Times

Two of the most common injuries that we treat at Shoulder Impingement and Lower Back Pain.

Shoulder impingement syndrome is a complicated injury that often involves a combination of tendonitis and bursitis. It can be a stubborn injury, but the average time to recovery is generally about 6-8 weeks.

Lower Back Pain can be a result of many different causes. Often, it is a functional injury related to misalignment of joints. If this is the case, it can be fixed in as few as 1-3 treatments over a week or two. If the pain is a result of more complicated situations or structural damage in the spine, the time to feel better may increase significantly, lasting weeks to months.


Healing is a complicated thing and is reliant on many factors, not all of which are in our control. While sometimes, we may be able to predict the time it will take to heal, other times, we are left to simply see how the body responds.

One thing is for certain. The use 0f Physiotherapy treatment or other types of physical therapy can drastically speed up healing time and Physiotherapists can provide you with the best information on how your injury may respond.


Does physio hurt before you get pain relief?

Sometimes Physio sessions can be painful. You can even have some pain that lingers after your Physio appointments. This is because a Physiotherapist needs to make a change in your tissue or joints to allow your body to function better and relieve pain.

How quickly does Physiotherapy work?

Physiotherapy, including manual therapy and exercise, can have a profound effect in as little as one session or one week. Depending on the nature of severity of your problem, it may also take numerous Physiotherapy appointments over several weeks or even months to get you the results you want. Book an appointment today to find out how long it might take for you to feel better!

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